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Writer's pictureTruffle Team

Pausing Facebook and Powering Up: Why We’re Shifting Gears to Embrace the TikTok-ification of... Everything!

Recently, the team got together for an internal meeting to decide the fate of Truffle’s Facebook page.

Do we, the agency that prides itself on practising what we preach (using our socials to drive our marketing), halt our efforts on the godfather of social platforms? Or do we continue to flog a dead-ish* horse? 

After some debate and a touch of sentimental reluctance from the millennial ‘old faithfuls’ in our team, we decided to put a total freeze on our Facebook escapades... indefinitely.

While this might not be breaking news, it’s certainly of some significance. Why you ask? Because it is reflective of a new era in social media marketing.

*Re our ‘dead-ish’ horse comment above, we know Facebook certainly ain’t dead. It remains an absolute ROI beast for many brands that we use it for, both in organic and paid campaigns. It’s just not a good ROI generator for our business objectives. Time is money and our use of time is more effectively spent elsewhere.

The truth is, that we’ve reached a turning point in social media where traditional platforms like Facebook no longer command the influence they once did. 

Enter the era of TikTok — the phenomenon that has transformed how we consume, create and share content. The meteoric rise of TikTok has rippled across the digital landscape, forcing even the most established platforms such as Facebook and YouTube.

But what exactly is TikTok-ification? 

In essence, it refers to 2 things:

No.1: How almost every major social media platform has adopted elements of TikTok’s short-form, video-first approach. Whether it’s Instagram’s Reels or YouTube’s Shorts, everyone wants a slice of the attention pie.

NB: The above drumroll gif is 100% necessary and all competitive businesses will want to pay attention to what we’re about to drop…

No.2 (and this is our favourite): TikTok has revolutionised marketing by tearing down the barriers to viral success. It's no longer just the big brands that dominate—businesses of any size now have the power to captivate audiences and achieve explosive growth overnight.

This shift has ushered in a new way of engaging audiences - prioritising speed, spontaneity, and authenticity. Today’s social media users are scrolling fast, consuming quickly, and connecting with brands in much more dynamic ways than ever before. 

While Facebook still has its place, its format simply doesn't match the demands of modern users who have come to expect snackable content that provides instant gratification.

For most businesses like ours, adapting to this new reality isn’t a trend—it’s a necessity. And for a social media agency like Truffle, it’s the difference between good and bad social listening. Hence the pause.

The platforms that once thrived on polished, static content are now scrambling to integrate TikTok’s formula of rapid-fire video, high engagement, and viral potential. But for us, it’s not about chasing trends—it’s about staying relevant to how consumers are engaging with the world around them.

The Power of TikTok:
  • Higher Engagement: Short-form video content typically enjoys higher engagement rates than traditional posts. Why? Because it’s entertaining and easily shareable. In a world where attention is a scarce resource, brevity is king.

  • Creativity as a Currency: TikTok and its imitators push brands to embrace creativity like never before. Forget the traditional marketing playbook—this is a world where outside-the-box thinking wins. And guess what? That’s where Truffle Social excels.

  • Authenticity Reigns Supreme: People want to connect with brands that feel genuine, relatable, and approachable—and platforms like TikTok have set the standard for what that looks like.

It’s no longer just about curating aesthetically pleasing feeds; it’s about fostering a genuine connection with our audience by delivering content that resonates in the moment.

We’re choosing to focus our energy on the platforms that meet our goals, where spontaneity, engagement, and creative storytelling thrive. This is how we stay relevant in the evolving social media ecosystem.

So, while it may seem like the end of an era, this decision is also a reflection of a new one—where TikTok leads the charge, and where we as an agency continue to embrace the future with flexibility, strategy, and creativity at our core.

What’s next for us? Expect to see more dynamic content, real-time engagement, and the kind of social strategy that makes brands stand out in a sea of sameness. Because if there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s this: the digital world moves fast, and so do we.

Ellie, Founder and CEO x

If you are interested in discussing your social strategy and levelling up your social output with Truffle, please email us at We’d love to chat!

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